is an exciting experiment in independent radio journalism and commentary! For $7, you can become a Season 1 subscriber, getting full and exclusive access to our flagship podcast, How the World Makes Us , Edward Champion’s new investigative journalism podcast. (The first two episodes can be sampled for free.) You’ll also get full access to more than thirty episodes of Notes from a Brooklyn Bunker, a free-form weekly podcast in which Champion talks extemporaneously without any plan. Season 1 membership is good for all material released through February 28, 2022.

After March 2022, we may begin offering a second season, contingent upon how well the first season does. Help us make this happen!

Sign up for a Season 1 membership today! For $7, you’ll get instant access to hours of exclusive material! Your Season 1 membership will cover all content released here between now and February 28, 2022. (To access your exclusive content and membership features in future, you will need to hit the login link located in the top menu and sign in with your member name and password.)